This is probably the prettiest of the three dresses on the covers till now. This white thing is totally gorgeous! Really maybe most glad I own this exact book in my library of the whole series, but anyway I got each of the books and I don't mind it at all even if I wonder where to put them as I don't have a great place for books.
All this time I was trembling in anticipation to know what's going to happen, and adding that I was in school, and I didn't have enough time to read, I almost got anxious to finish it. I read it the very first moment I had the chance to.
Here was already something of a connection, but also a culmination of the history of America singer. I have no words to describe my impression and the thrill of the last to know what will happen, especially after those rebel attacks that led me to negative thoughts on the very end.
The One is a really fascinating and captivating book! Maybe for a finale is really great, at least a final to America’s story. I couldn't have imagined it this way, but... This also doesn't fall much below my expectations.
To be honest, I liked more Maxon from the very beginning, not only because he was a prince, although that was not a reason to throw away, but somehow, America and Maxon were so much alike. Ever since their first meeting, where things have evolved not very friendly, as America was not very polite, but when I think of what else she has done, it was the least of it.
A truly unique story and a proper ending! As it’s written on the cover of the book, “Only one can win!” I recommend it along with the previous two, of course, I can't miss them. It is worth reading all the books since they are not that long and you will even be amazed at how quickly the time has passed by reading these amazing works!
“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.”
“This isn’t happily ever after. It’s so much more than that.”