I really love Ben Hope. He's this kind of character that's impossible not to fall for. And he always happens to be in danger or in a rush. That's the thing with main characters in thrillers - they're like real magnets for trouble literally.
In the third book of the series, Ben decides to finish his... let's say 'career' with kidnapping and ransom business of his. Instead of action, he chooses to complete his abandoned theological studies and maybe find some peace after some many years. Yeah, maybe some other lifetime of his. That 'reality' slips away the moment his professor and friend asks him to help find his missing daughter - a very promising young archaeologist Zoë Bradbury. However, Ben declines the offer because he's not in this anymore (yeah, he can lie to himself as much as he wants...). That's why he proposes the case to his former SAS mate Charlie Palmer. I was betting with myself when exactly Ben will step and take the case, it was a matter of time. Just according to plan, when Charlie runs into trouble on the Greek island of Corfu, Ben has no choice but join him to find out what might have happened to Zoë. And that's exactly when the action and race begin. Hey, don't' you think it would be so simple?
Ben realizes that Zoë’s most recent archaeological discovery of an artefact related to the book of Revelation is at the heart of her disappearance. Religion is always hitting a raw nerve. I remember The Da Vinci Code and if you got the right or more like the wrong topic you'll get the most unwanted attention. And you have to be damn good to prevent the upcoming disaster. And Ben is.
I was rather annoyed at Zoë because she's acting so childish by doing such stupid things. Having love affairs, spending a lot of money, caring not about anything but her... instead of fulfilling her even now a glamorous career. Besides, her actions were the reason for so much death... she has to be really, really guilty. The book is called The Doomsday Prophecy and Zoë was going to cause something beyond the imagination of her rather small selfish brain.
The investigation leads Ben to Savannah, Georgia then to the holy city of Jerusalem, and he soon discovers that it’s not just Zoë’s life on the line but those of millions if he doesn't act fast. It's really a pity such important places as Jerusalem can't be visited peacefully because of those stupid terrorists who are only narrow-minded idiots causing too much trouble. That's why I think I liked the part with the removal of certain religion, I see no good in it and it'll be better without it.
But political intrigue... man, that's the banalest historical fact. Every single ruler and war in history is for power. No exception. Yet those hell-bent for political gain will soon face the ultimate reckoning in Ben Hope and I don't think this variable was ever in the equation. Geez, and it's the most unpredictable one who can make everyone's life a living hell. That's what I love the most with Ben - he's a real badass and is perfect in his job.
The book is very exciting and there's a lot of tension as well. I like Scott Mariani's books and I'm already looking towards the next one.