Hey, I decided to try some of these topics. Today, I'm doing the Top Ten Tuesday topic for May 22nd - Best Character Names. Above is my TTT cover(God, I love making edits, I've made for the other articles I'll be doing as well) and I find it cute, it's purple because... purple blog! Yeah, I wanted everything to go well with everything. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I like it to be pretty and well-done.
So, that was kind of an introduction but now to the post. I saw on the original website the author says to make it as narrow/broad as you wish. Therefore, I've no idea how many names I might say but let's see. Personally, I'm a writer myself so choosing a name is something I'm slightly familiar with. Maybe I'll add some of the names I've used because I don't remember if I've seen any of them in a book or not.
Best Character Names
1. Sebastian
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Bulgarian edition of the first book, I absolutely love it! |
2. Louis
A very popular name I think - most of the French kings are called Louis. I like its Italian version as well - Luigi, it sounds cool to me. I think there was a character in The Count of Monte Cristo Luigi Vampa and I liked the name so much I can't take it out of my mind.
3. Scarlett
Scarlett because... scarlet red, its a passionate, vivid colour. It reminds me of anger, power, blood... Yeah, did I mention I have strange preferences? Scarlet was actually the title of the second book of the Lunar Chronicles. I like the heroine as well, she has curly red hair - very appropriate.
4. Chris
I like anything with Chris in it, no joke. I like that name and no, NOT because of the super famous Christian Gray (I hate these books, I do not wish to degrade as the author herself has).
I remember seeing Rafael in The Mortal Instruments series, he was the leader of the New York vampires. But it sounds cool, I like the name, Rafael. Well, I am a fan of Rafael Nadal and maaybe that has something to do with it.
6. Calypso
I've used this name in a book of mine. I like its untypical sounding. I think I first saw it in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series. Anyway, Calypso is a perfect name for some adventure books(like mine, it was about pirates as well, oops but nothing to do with Pirates of the Caribbean, it was the story of a prince who had become a pirate, Calypso was the name of the female character who was a Spanish aristocrate, I really wanted her to stand out from the crowd xd).
7. Alexander
Like Alexander the Great? Yep. I've seen other version in different languages such as Alejandro(Spanish), Alessandro(Italian) and they all seem beautiful to me. The nickname Alex is also cool.
-I don't know how much related to the topic it is but I really like surnames which are a combination of some words, I'll show you.
8. Blackthorn

9. Lannister
House Lannister in the Song of Ice and Fire series. Okay, Lannister reminds of Lancaster and I always mistake them. I like the sound of Lancaster, I know it's a city in England, maybe I should visit it sometime since I'm reminded so much of it.
Well, looks like I can't think of another name. I'm so bad at thinking of something on purpose. I'm sure when I don't have to I'll think of a bunch more names but... never mind, these nine will work. So, what are your favourite character names?