Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Red, White, & Blue Cover

Two posts in a row, that's a record! The joke aside, this week's topic of Top Ten Tuesday is more special due to the 4th of July in the USA. Basically, you need to choose books with red, white and blue covers or your country's colours if you prefer. I'll do two editions, the first would be in these colours - red, white and blue since I live in the UK now and the flag has the same colours as the USA. The second one would be with my home country colours which are white, green and red for Bulgaria.

    Books with Red, White, & Blue Covers

1) United Kingdom

2) Bulgaria

 Okay, they aren't fully coloured in one colour but you get the main idea. I love The Selection covers, they're so beautiful! Actually, I selected only favourite books of mine for this tasks. Well, I like the covers and I love the books! Which are the colours of your country?


  1. I love the Kiera Cass covers. I think I’d buy those books just to look at the covers.
