I got this... obsession with long fantasy series about immortal warriors and each book is about a different character and his story, or as I call them "Black Dagger Brotherhood type". So when I saw Gena Showalter's series Lords of the Underworld... I was in seventh heaven. I like how the title of every book contains the darkest. It's so significant for this series. Moreover, I am quite interested in Greek mythology(everything mysterious and magical is appealing to me). So fantasy series ala Black Dagger Brotherhood with mythology in it? Perfect!
I like the cover, more precisely this butterfly-tattoo symbolizing that he has a demon. *Please, say it isn't a spoiler.* I don't know why, but the English demon-possessed sounds to me a thousand times better than in Bulgarian. In fact, I can't find a corresponding translation, it doesn't sound right. The butterfly is somewhat cool, not like sweet, but on the contrary, it emits mystery and power.
But let's talk about the book. She seems to me the most beloved of the whole series. It tells the story of twelve immortal warriors cursed to keep the demons out of Pandora's box. Here with the spoiler. Otherwise, I have a whole paragraph telling the story of their "curse", but I'd rather save it, and if anyone wants to read the series he'll have to learn all the details by himself.
The first of the Lords is Maddox, who has the demon of Violence. He is cursed to die every night the same way he killed Pandora - six times stabbed with a sword. Already with the first two sentences separated in its own paragraph, the book draws attention: Every night death came, slowly, painfully, and every morning Maddox awoke in bed, knowing he'd have to die again later. That was his greatest curse and his eternal punishment.
Until Ashlyn appears, an unusual girl who hears voices from the past. She was quite interesting to me because of this supernatural ability, which doesn't just extend only to hearing voices from the past. Maybe she reminded me of Beth (Black Dagger Brotherhood) but it was one of the main reason I was attracted to this series after all, right?
The relationship between Maddox and Ashlyn is very beautiful and special. Already when they met for the first time it became clear that both of them were written to be together because she managed to tame him, and he - to bring her the so-called silence and calmness of the constant voices.
In addition, I will only say that Maddox has violet eyes (something terribly attractive and inert) and, together with Aaron, they're the only ones who have such eye colour. In general, I recommend this book and if you like fantasy but also Greek mythology, you will most certainly like it.
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