I have to admit that at first, I didn't even know what this book was about. I was just captured by the second book - What happens in London, but when it was connected in a series I had no choice but to start from the first one, so I've read it.
The story is actually quite clear and very easy. Totally perfect for unloading, that's why I read it so fast.
Miranda is nineteen, and since the age of ten, she has been in love with Nigel Bevelstoke, the beautiful and charming Viscount Turner. He is the older brother of her best friend, Olivia. Olivia tries to repeatedly matchmake her twin brother William with Miranda, but unsuccessfully as she has only eyes for Turner. The young Viscount has been unsuccessfully married, and his late wife has been cheating on him constantly, and her own death is quite ridiculous. He doesn't want to fall in love anymore and is very negative to any woman, preferring to be alone. With time sparks flare up between them and a fascinating story unfolds.
This rather resembles a spoiler, I know, but if you read the resume you can find some of these things (I always read them, whether the books are in a series or not, I have such a habit). So I hope I gave you a good perspective about the book anyway.
I like both covers, maybe a little bit more the Bulgarian one but who can blame me? It's so... authentic and I can really believe it's taking place in the 19th century. I choose the second cover to be a small size in order to not being too strikingly but you can always click and open to see it full size.
Besides the obvious romance, there is also a flavour of fun, which is significantly reinforced in the second book. The author, Julia Quinn, is really good at the descriptions of erotic scenes, and I would definitely be very interested to see her in a different light - for example, a modern novel, and why not a paranormal romance like the Black Dagger Brotherhood? This is going to be something quite interesting because the author has the potential and maybe there should be a book whose work is developing in the present, not in the past since most of her books are historical romances.
The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever was my first historical romance to read and it introduced me to this genre which happens to be one of my favourites now.
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