Overall, Phury is the complete opposite of Zsadist. While Z is the bad and dangerous one, Phury is always the good one, even his appearance is more handsome than his brother's. Their hairs(if Z had one) must be in three colours - blonde, brown and black but the most unique feature to me is their eyes - yellow ones.
About the book... there's something I really don't like and that's the problem of Phury with drugs. He's addicted and it's a shame. I don't understand how such nice and adorable person can have such a weakness. Honestly, I had no idea about his past as it was always about Zsadist and the kidnapping but I never really thought about what might have happened in his family.
I think Phury's biggest problem is blaming himself for what happened to his twin. It was a fifty-fifty chance which twin would be kidnapped and they were babies, it's not like he could've done anything anyway. It's so sad because it wasn't his fault but still he had to witness his parent's sorrow and their deaths feeling even more guilty. So indeed, despite being home and safe, he was as miserable as his enslaved brother. And now, he's the one who needs help and there's only one person who's able to do it.
Cormia is beautiful and kind, I knew she was perfect for him from the very beginning. But the thing with the Primale... well, it was kind of a huge problem here. Not that I expected him to be with all these females. Hells, he was restraining from sex so that should've been horrifying for him - become a Primale with all the duties... But Cormia was standing out from the crowd; she wanted to be the only one to Phury not share him with her sisters.
It can be said I liked Lover Enshrined. The ending was so cute. Phury did not deserve to suffer anymore due to the past and he found the right woman. Bella wasn't the one for him anyway, she was meant to be with Zsadist and heal him but Cormia... oh, she's so perfectly suitable with Phury! They are completely meant to be!
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