Lover Eternal is the second book of Black Dagger Brotherhood and is about Rhage, who is so handsome and has the appearance of an actor, and that's why they call him Hollywood. However, in the first book, he was more pleasant because he was funny and humorous, and his disputes with Vishous are like no other! That's why I like him very much, but still, do not overlook his incredible beauty because it's of great importance. But when I saw his real story, I felt a little bit bad. I liked the funny Rhage, and all this with the curse of the monster that comes up when he loses control changes somewhat your view of him and it's obvious that he's what he is because he likes it very much. Apparently a womanizer, a nice self-loving person, but in fact, he also has his own problems which makes you look from another point of view.
To be honest, the story of Mary and Rhage isn't one of my favourites, maybe it was too sweetish for my taste. He's a symbol of sex appeal and power, and that tenderness was a little bit too much to me, anyway I prefer something rougher and stronger, it's not a coincidence that Zsadist is grabbed my attention from the beginning at Dark Lover.
Mery, on the other hand, is a human girl who has suffered a lot and her story is so touching due to her illness, which in my opinion, it's very unfair to have. I don't see what has she done to deserve this - she isn't healed and she has to go through everything again.
In the end, I thought there might be a very sad ending because it was so obviously going to be! The events themselves were awful and I was convinced Scribe Virgin has a lot of authority and power which isn't so good considering how she commands all her warrior to do this and that. As if she's playing a game and no one matters. They're living beings and have feelings and lives as well and she's acting like a b.itch.
I like the way Rhage jokes and pecks with everyone, I love laughing and funny moments are like a pinch of salt to a dish. Overall, the book is nice but I won't deny, it's not my cup of tea.

I find it interesting to share the cover edition in my native language so you can see what's like. Personally, I prefer the covers of the translated edition because the publishers make a really good work and are far better than the original(sorry). Honestly, I'm not into that green shade(green isn't my favourite colour) but the girl is beautiful and her eyes are awesome.
Anyway, the book is perfectly fine. I can say that the series seems to be very promising and I think it's worth it. Maybe one of the best vampire series out there. I like JR Ward's vampires - they're sexy, strong, rough and simply amazing! After all, they're supernatural creatures, they should be extraordinary and badass. And her writing style is great. Really recommend these books for vampire lovers!
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