Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Red, White, & Blue Cover

Two posts in a row, that's a record! The joke aside, this week's topic of Top Ten Tuesday is more special due to the 4th of July in the USA. Basically, you need to choose books with red, white and blue covers or your country's colours if you prefer. I'll do two editions, the first would be in these colours - red, white and blue since I live in the UK now and the flag has the same colours as the USA. The second one would be with my home country colours which are white, green and red for Bulgaria.

    Books with Red, White, & Blue Covers

1) United Kingdom

2) Bulgaria

 Okay, they aren't fully coloured in one colour but you get the main idea. I love The Selection covers, they're so beautiful! Actually, I selected only favourite books of mine for this tasks. Well, I like the covers and I love the books! Which are the colours of your country?

Monday, 2 July 2018

Book Blogger Hop: 2 July 2018

Hello everyone! Lately, I forgot a little bit about this blog, I have another one in my native language and I was posting there so I ended up being active only on one blog, again. My other blog is older than this one and it's called Melly's Book Blog. I have notes about which topics and dates I'd like to make and I forgot making the topic two weeks ago but never mind, past is past. This week's topic is about Instagram and I really, really wanted to make it because I became more active on Instagram and posting only bookish related things since my profile was too general. I'll show you a screenshot of my profile and give you the link. You can follow me if you want to. 😊

      Do you have an Instagram account? If so, do you only follow book folks?

As you can see, my Instagram is called the same way as my blog - Shattered Shelves, so the easier to find. I'm not the typical bookstagrammer, I can't stick to a specific theme and colours always. If you scroll down you'll see at least several different themes. I like having a theme for some time then change it in a way that every photo suits the one before. I don't know if that sounds strange but I like having a scheme and making everything beautiful. My last theme as you can see is silver and gold. Due to my Instagram, I've bought a bunch of normally not very needful things for decoration so I can use them in my photos.
To answer the second question - no, I definitely don't follow only bookstagrams. I follow some celebrities I'm interested in as well some tennis accounts I like because I'm a huge tennis fan(you can see a few tennis related posts in my profile) and I follow someone I know I'm interested in or like their photos. I don't just follow everyone because of the label (book or tennis folk).
Well, I'd love to know what you think about my Instagram. I quite enjoy making this Book Blogger Hop posts, they're different and I love writing and expressing an opinion, to be honest.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide by J.R. Ward


  This review might be a bit shorter, I'm not pretty sure. An Insider's Guide is actually a novella of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. However, it contains more than an additional story.
  The book contains cut scenes from the books published till now, interviews with the Brothers(that I enjoyed a lot), short stories, detailed information about the books, funny stuff, and most importantly - writing tips from the author herself, J.R. Ward.
She said how someone can become a writer (like needful qualities for the job) and many useful pieces of advice. One of my favourites which I made into a quote was:

"I kind of believe writers are born, not made - but that’s not specific to writing. I think it’s true of athletes and mathematicians and musicians and artists and engineers and the hundred million other endeavours that humans pursue."
  I couldn't agree more with her. That's why I hate when I'm forced to do something when I know I'm not good at it, I don't like it nor get it, this is like a two-way torture. Also about writing, when people simply say "Hey, I'll write", no nope, it doesn't work like that. You need a talent and a very good language knowledge(trust me, I've seen such horrible pieces of writing that I want to tell the person to stop and write never again because he/she can get a Golden Raspberry Award for his/her work). You can't just decide you wanna be a nuclear physicist, for example, without any clue about Physics. So please, if you have no talent for writing, don't write, if literature was a person she(I think it's a she) would scream!
  I really loved the story Father Mine which is a novella about Zsadist and Bella along with their daughter Nalla. It's mainly about Nalla and it's very soon after the birth. I was so sad for Z, he simply didn't like having her near his past but fortunately, everything sorted out.
The chats with the Brothers were so funny but a bit confusing to follow. Well, exactly like a real chat then. Also, I liked the excerpts from all of the books, some of them are so damn funny! It's so cool to have them at an easy access in the book, certainly, I'm dying laughing at some of them.
  Well, I'd recommend reading the Insider's Guide, it's nice and funny, it's simply a short novella so it doesn't matter if you read it or not. This one is quite different and interesting, there are so many things you can read about. J.R. Ward has made a very amusing additional book. I don't see why not read it; it contains some very juicy and curious things, I think you'll find it interesting even if you don't like reading novellas.
  The Bulgarian edition has a very pretty woman on the cover and I really like how the publishers make their covers, they're so beautiful!

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Lover Enshrined by J.R. Ward


The sixth book of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is about Phury, the twin brother of my favourite of the Brothers - Zsadist. The thing I love the most about him is his hair which is tricoloured and is simply amazing! I like his eyes as well, yellow eyes just like Z's sometimes when they turn back to normal. It's such a pity Z doesn't have any hair, it would've been the same as Phury's. Phury isn't a bad character but he has his own demons as well.
Overall, Phury is the complete opposite of Zsadist. While Z is the bad and dangerous one, Phury is always the good one, even his appearance is more handsome than his brother's. Their hairs(if Z had one) must be in three colours - blonde, brown and black but the most unique feature to me is their eyes - yellow ones.
About the book... there's something I really don't like and that's the problem of Phury with drugs. He's addicted and it's a shame. I don't understand how such nice and adorable person can have such a weakness. Honestly, I had no idea about his past as it was always about Zsadist and the kidnapping but I never really thought about what might have happened in his family.
I think Phury's biggest problem is blaming himself for what happened to his twin. It was a fifty-fifty chance which twin would be kidnapped and they were babies, it's not like he could've done anything anyway. It's so sad because it wasn't his fault but still he had to witness his parent's sorrow and their deaths feeling even more guilty. So indeed, despite being home and safe, he was as miserable as his enslaved brother. And now, he's the one who needs help and there's only one person who's able to do it.
Cormia is beautiful and kind, I knew she was perfect for him from the very beginning. But the thing with the Primale... well, it was kind of a huge problem here. Not that I expected him to be with all these females. Hells, he was restraining from sex so that should've been horrifying for him - become a Primale with all the duties... But Cormia was standing out from the crowd; she wanted to be the only one to Phury not share him with her sisters.
The Bulgarian cover on the right is so delicate and I really love it. The girl is very beautiful and has very gentle features. The man isn't bad also, somehow corresponding to my visions of Phury. I'm very intrigued by the glowing pendant as well, it's curious.
It can be said I liked Lover Enshrined. The ending was so cute. Phury did not deserve to suffer anymore due to the past and he found the right woman. Bella wasn't the one for him anyway, she was meant to be with Zsadist and heal him but Cormia... oh, she's so perfectly suitable with Phury! They are completely meant to be!

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

Ah, mais n'est-ce pas magnifique? Sorry for the French, I know several languages and I simply like using them all. As I said before in my review of Notre-Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo is one of my favourite classic authors. His books are so incredibly written, they're fully developed and thoughtfully complicated. Even I haven't read this book at once. When I first started it I was too young and so not ready for this. I couldn't comprehend it so I stopped and continued reading it sometime later when I knew I can assimilate it. Victor Hugo's books are very hard to understand and I don't think they're suitable for too young people. You need a bit of maturity to fully comprehend his style and literature. Nevertheless, Les Misérables is a masterpiece. There's hardly any book that can be compared to this one.
  I really like that book and I'm so proud of myself for reading such a classic in world literature. At first, it was a bit boring and I couldn't understand who's that bishop called Bienvenue, aka welcomed(that sounds strange in English). I knew he helps the poor but that didn't seem intriguing enough. But with time you'll see there're many stories in the book and Hugo knew what he was doing - you really get a detailed lifetime. With time I got more and more captured and the plot became clearer to me. I understood as well Victor Hugo liked delaying and killing his characters(I hope it isn't a spoiler) a few characteristics I have in common with him. Well, we're both born in February, I think there's a lot more to it.
  Despite the many, many characters in the book, the very main one I think it's Jean Valjean. He's a noble peasant imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread, yeah, the absurdity of past. However, he's nobler than thousands of other people. And everyone who has read this book would see in the end that he's the most miserable person of them all. I liked the relationship father-daughter between Jean Valjean and Cosette, it was so purely described and it melted my heart. À la fin, I was really heartbroken. 
  Les Misérables is so skillfully developed and the story is so wide that you can't understand what exactly is about at the beginning. Well, its more than 1400 pages and trust me, there's a lot to read. That's exactly why I interrupted my reading, I was confused and didn't know what's going on so I decided to stop but I'm so glad I continued later. Hugo is such a craftsman, he tells the stories of so many people and lives... In the end, I understood the meaning of the book. After all, it's called The Miserables(in English) and there's not a single storyline but many, many others telling the stories of so many unfortunate people. In addition, I liked it so much and I fell in love with the book. It's a masterpiece and if you like reading classics you should definitely read that one. It might be difficult and you might not succeed in the first attempt like me but give it a chance; I promise you won't regret it. There're hardly any books with the same value as Les Misérables.

I'd love to share some beautiful quotes from the book.

“He never went out without a book under his arm, and he often came back with two.”
 - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”
 - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward


  The fifth book in the BDB series is about Vishous. He isn't one of my favourite Brothers because he likes some extravagant stuff which I really don't like. If you know me, you'd know that I hate 50 shades so... I don't see anything erotic in this s**t. It's a pity he's such a genius and likes things like that. I admit I envy him his intelligence because I like learning and I always want to know more. Computers to him are like the Tamagotchi we the kids of early 00's remember. He's familiar with every technology, science, languages... That's pretty impressive. And to add his ability with his hand to burn things... how can't you like him even more?
  The story of V and Jane is different from the other Brothers maybe because V has his own dark secret. I won't comment on the intimate parts of the book, as I said - not my part. Well, at least it's different from the others, it would've been too one and the same if everyone was like the others. Dr Jane isn't my favourite female character also but in the end, I was so angry about what happened to her. She's a good person and she makes the perfect couple with Vishous. She can understand him and she can see that there's a lot more behind the big brain, like a hear and a soul.
  Well, you might be pretty surprised of V's parents. They're pretty... famous, especially his mother. I liked what she did in the end but I would've hated her as well if I was in his shoes. She left him with his so-called father who abused him and hated him. Having in mind Vishous was his only son (that's such a big thing for narrow-minded people in the past) and it's simply irrational to treat him like that! Usually, males are proud of a firstborn male heir but he... No, I don't get it.
  At least, the ending was sufficient and completely in J.R. Ward's style. Lover Unbound meets the expectations and it's fine. I also like the storyline beyond the love story because I'm so into the vampires' world! This is definitely my favourite vampire series, I don't want to read about any other vampires tbh.
  I think the cover is a nice dark red colour. I wanted to ask you for some time, what do you think about the Bulgarian editions I share with you? Do you like them? And do you think they're better than the originals?

Friday, 8 June 2018

Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward


  The fourth book in the BDB series is about Butch. I liked it a lot actually. That cover... okay, I don't like orange, at all. But wait 'til you see the BG one, it's awesome. The woman from behind is a brilliant idea and it's so beautiful. Oh, and the cover is purple! Yeah, you can say I like purple(*cough* my whole blog design is so purple haha). Only the man looks a bit too humane but... wait, did I mention Butch is a human? So the cover fits all the way.
  As I said, this is another one of my favourite books in the series. Honestly, I liked the storyline with Butch and his development and not that much their love story with Marissa. At some point, I was getting really annoyed at her and I don't know what would I've done to her if she hadn't come to her senses.
  I like that JR Ward thinks that every character should have its own story and a happy ending(well, most of the time). But it'd be very awful if someone doesn't have one and the others are simply continuing with their lives and he/she is miserable.
  Butch became a very important figure in the war with the Lessening Society and I'm happy about it because he was feeling so useless in this vampire world. I haven't mentioned that but I like how the names of the characters are some specific words, like The Destroyer. Or Wrath, or Vishous... 
  Butch is always a funny character; some of the funniest moments in the series are with him. I didn't like that at some point his friendship with Vishous turned out in another direction. I just... I'm not into this kind of things, okay? I'm not insulting anyone but I'm not supposed to like it either.
  I like the ending, it was so intriguing. I wish there was some more. Butch's story... I don't think it's finished, no, there's a lot more to it. Having in mind his origins... oh, yes, I think it's going to be interesting and I really hope Ward has included something more for him in the future. Because Lover Revealed is hardly enough to satisfy my never-ending curiosity and hunger for knowledge.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward


  This is my most favourite book in the entire series! It's about my favourite Brother - Zsadist. He's the bad one, the dangerous one and everything to put off a woman, yet that's why I like him. I like danger and everything that's forbidden because I'm stubborn. He doesn't feel anything because of what happened in his past. Despite that, I was intrigued by him from the very beginning. I can't explain why but if I had to choose one of the brothers I would say Z without a doubt because he's just... perfect for me.
  I like adding the cover of the Bulgarian edition to my reviews so I'll stick to it. And again, the Bulgarian publishers have great designers, no offence to the English ones but they're simply a several times better.
  Due to his past, Zsadist is treating everyone badly and is so closed in himself. Until he meets Bella - a female vampire who's able to save him and... awake him. I liked everything in that book and I was anticipating every moment of it. Just like Bella, I was attracted to his fierce power. He personifies maybe everything I like in a guy, well, except for the hair which he lacks but I can make an exception for him.

  I really like Bella and she's so perfect for Z. She's beautiful and charming but I was fascinated by the fact she was never afraid of the fearsome warrior and even opposed him without trembling. I like strong female characters who are equal to men because there're too many cliches out there and so many ridiculous heroines who drive me crazy.

  The ending was more than perfect! I couldn't wish for a more awesome ending of my favourite book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. If I had to recommend any book in the series it would be definitely Lover Awakened. At least, that was my favourite but I believe that there's plenty of handsome characters to fall for so you have a great choice. Personally, I'm in love with this book!

Monday, 4 June 2018

Book Blogger Hop: 4 June 2018

  Yeah, I like making my own post covers and I find it really hard to make them simple when I can make it as complicated as possible. #Problems Never mind, I decided to introduce another theme to my blog called Book Blogger Hop(I'll include a link at the end of the post). Actually, unlike Top Ten Tuesday or Top 5 Wednesday, you answer a question and you have a deadline of one week to do so. Again, unlike TTT or T5W when you should do it on Tuesday or Wednesday, you can choose whichever day in the week you like in the given period to make this post. I chose to do BBH(Book Blogger Hop) on Monday, I don't know why I simply decided on Monday just because. So, let's begin with this week's question.

      What do you think your blog says about you?

  Well, I think all my websites show that I love designing. I really do my best with each of my designs. I love it being beautiful and... perfect. So yeah, they'll see I did a lot of work on my blog. But I'm sure the first thing everyone to notice would be the purple everywhere. I like purple, it's one of my favourite colours and I think my blog looks awesome(yeah, I'm so modest).
  The content of my blog will also say that I'm very inactive. I'm really persistent in my inconsistency. No matter how much I want to be socially active and so on, life has other plans, unfortunately.
  If you read a review of mine probably you'll notice how honest I am and that's not always a positive trait. I say exactly what I think and trust me, it isn't usually nice. However, you'll notice that when I'm angry and say what's on my mind it's quite funny.
  You know, it's hard to assess yourself. I really hope people like what they see. I really do try to do my best with everything I do, I try being myself no matter what and getting positive results is what makes me enormously happy.

  So, I don't know what else to say. Probably, you should tell me what does my blog say about me? I'd like to know actually, so please leave your answers in the comments!

And the credits as promised:

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward


  This is not only a story about the beautiful shell, but also about what lies beyond it.
  Lover Eternal is the second book of Black Dagger Brotherhood and is about Rhage, who is so handsome and has the appearance of an actor, and that's why they call him Hollywood. However, in the first book, he was more pleasant because he was funny and humorous, and his disputes with Vishous are like no other! That's why I like him very much, but still, do not overlook his incredible beauty because it's of great importance. But when I saw his real story, I felt a little bit bad. I liked the funny Rhage, and all this with the curse of the monster that comes up when he loses control changes somewhat your view of him and it's obvious that he's what he is because he likes it very much. Apparently a womanizer, a nice self-loving person, but in fact, he also has his own problems which makes you look from another point of view.
  To be honest, the story of Mary and Rhage isn't one of my favourites, maybe it was too sweetish for my taste. He's a symbol of sex appeal and power, and that tenderness was a little bit too much to me, anyway I prefer something rougher and stronger, it's not a coincidence that Zsadist is grabbed my attention from the beginning at Dark Lover.
   Mery, on the other hand, is a human girl who has suffered a lot and her story is so touching due to her illness, which in my opinion, it's very unfair to have. I don't see what has she done to deserve this - she isn't healed and she has to go through everything again.
  In the end, I thought there might be a very sad ending because it was so obviously going to be! The events themselves were awful and I was convinced Scribe Virgin has a lot of authority and power which isn't so good considering how she commands all her warrior to do this and that. As if she's playing a game and no one matters. They're living beings and have feelings and lives as well and she's acting like a b.itch.
   I like the way Rhage jokes and pecks with everyone, I love laughing and funny moments are like a pinch of salt to a dish. Overall, the book is nice but I won't deny, it's not my cup of tea.

  I find it interesting to share the cover edition in my native language so you can see what's like. Personally, I prefer the covers of the translated edition because the publishers make a really good work and are far better than the original(sorry). Honestly, I'm not into that green shade(green isn't my favourite colour) but the girl is beautiful and her eyes are awesome.

  Anyway, the book is perfectly fine. I can say that the series seems to be very promising and I think it's worth it. Maybe one of the best vampire series out there. I like JR Ward's vampires - they're sexy, strong, rough and simply amazing! After all, they're supernatural creatures, they should be extraordinary and badass. And her writing style is great. Really recommend these books for vampire lovers!

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Character Names

Hey, I decided to try some of these topics. Today, I'm doing the Top Ten Tuesday topic for May 22nd - Best Character Names. Above is my TTT cover(God, I love making edits, I've made for the other articles I'll be doing as well) and I find it cute, it's purple because... purple blog! Yeah, I wanted everything to go well with everything. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I like it to be pretty and well-done.
So, that was kind of an introduction but now to the post. I saw on the original website the author says to make it as narrow/broad as you wish. Therefore, I've no idea how many names I might say but let's see. Personally, I'm a writer myself so choosing a name is something I'm slightly familiar with. Maybe I'll add some of the names I've used because I don't remember if I've seen any of them in a book or not.

      Best Character Names

1. Sebastian

Bulgarian edition of the first book,
I absolutely love it!
Okay, I like that name - I like it in any language and versions: Sébastien(French), Sebastiano(Spanish I think?) etc. Originally, I saw it in the Die magische Gondel, aka The Gondola of Time (I'm really glad I could read this trilogy translated into Bulgarian, I speak no German at all!). The main character is called Sebastiano but as I said, I don't mind at all the form. 

2. Louis

A very popular name I think - most of the French kings are called Louis. I like its Italian version as well - Luigi, it sounds cool to me. I think there was a character in The Count of Monte Cristo Luigi Vampa and I liked the name so much I can't take it out of my mind.

3. Scarlett

Scarlett because... scarlet red, its a passionate, vivid colour. It reminds me of anger, power, blood... Yeah, did I mention I have strange preferences? Scarlet was actually the title of the second book of the Lunar Chronicles. I like the heroine as well, she has curly red hair - very appropriate.

4. Chris

I like anything with Chris in it, no joke. I like that name and no, NOT because of the super famous Christian Gray (I hate these books, I do not wish to degrade as the author herself has). 

5. Rafael

I remember seeing Rafael in The Mortal Instruments series, he was the leader of the New York vampires. But it sounds cool, I like the name, Rafael. Well, I am a fan of Rafael Nadal and maaybe that has something to do with it.

6. Calypso

I've used this name in a book of mine. I like its untypical sounding. I think I first saw it in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series. Anyway, Calypso is a perfect name for some adventure books(like mine, it was about pirates as well, oops but nothing to do with Pirates of the Caribbean, it was the story of a prince who had become a pirate, Calypso was the name of the female character who was a Spanish aristocrate, I really wanted her to stand out from the crowd xd).

7. Alexander

Like Alexander the Great? Yep. I've seen other version in different languages such as Alejandro(Spanish), Alessandro(Italian) and they all seem beautiful to me. The nickname Alex is also cool.

   -I don't know how much related to the topic it is but I really like surnames which are a combination of some words, I'll show you.

8. Blackthorn

We all can see the name's origins but that's not what matters. I like this kind of surnames with hidden meaning. Blackthorn is a surname of a family in the Shadowhunters world again. But I've seen it in another series called The Blackthorn Key.

9. Lannister

House Lannister in the Song of Ice and Fire series. Okay, Lannister reminds of Lancaster and I always mistake them. I like the sound of Lancaster, I know it's a city in England, maybe I should visit it sometime since I'm reminded so much of it.

Well, looks like I can't think of another name. I'm so bad at thinking of something on purpose. I'm sure when I don't have to I'll think of a bunch more names but... never mind, these nine will work. So, what are your favourite character names?

Saturday, 12 May 2018

The Iron Trial by Holly Black & Cassandra Clare


  The Iron Trial is the first book of a series of five books called the Magisterium. First of all, I will say that I had absolutely no intention of buying it. I did not even know about it before seeing Egmont's bookish deal, and then I said, "Well, so I'm going to get The Storybook of Legends, why don't get another book as a gift as soon as they give it? It's a book, and I love books, I'm not paying for it so I see no reason not to go to the bookshop and get it." I also feel obliged to mention that for the first time I read a collaborative work among authors in this case two. I just can't understand how two people can write a book and no matter how much I try to understand it doesn't work out. Maybe because I am always a solo and teamwork is definitely not for me, this is the main reason I can't explain how this collaboration works.
  I think the book is wrongly defined as '7+'. Just because the cover is animated and the heroes are twelve-years-old doesn't mean it has to be a little bit childish. This is about the magic of the elements, and those children who have the potential, go to study in the Magisterium so they can learn to control their abilities and not hurt those around them. I love things related to the four elements (there are five because there is one more).

  I'm not adding this picture just because. The left part is the combination of these five elements which is their merging, a sign that also exists at the entrance of the building of the Magisterium. The right part is all individual elements and above the line, the five symbols are used in the book as a transition instead of "***", for example. The extra element, obviously, is chaos.
  The very story of the book is very exciting, and it's just so funny to me. I started reading it in the evenings, I did not have enough time to finish it, and I was really impatient to know the ending of the book. Obviously, I was totally captivated by The Iron Trial.
  The story is as follows - Calum did not even foresee that he would ever enter this place and do his best to fail in this so-called admission exam - The Iron Trial, as the book title. That is exactly the biggest contrast - despite all his attempts to fail, he is still accepted by one of the best Masters, no actually, he is the best.
Sorry, I have the Bulgarian edition but they're
all the same except for the language.
  Another thing that impressed me in the book itself is that there is a picture above each chapter (as shown in the picture). I love the illustrations and I like all the books that have such things. Its size, otherwise, is quite decent - just over 300 pages. I personally think it's worth reading. The three main characters on the cover are Calum, Aaron and Tamara. And the chief antagonist, the Enemy of Death, we'll learn a lot about him in the process, and perhaps he's the most intriguing character in the whole first book. And definitely has something to surprise you.
  I think the whole series is very intriguing and I'm already determined to read them all. I can't wait to continue with the second book, The Copper Gauntlet. For fans of fantasy it's a great opportunity to read something so intriguing and different. I'll be looking forward to the next books of the Magisterium series.

I really want to share my favourite quote of the series with you. Actually, it's the kind of poem about the elements, it just sounds cool.

“Fire wants to burn. 
Water wants to flow. 
Air wants to rise. 
Earth wants to bind.
Chaos wants to devour.” 


By the way, I love the UK covers, they're awesome!

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

The Heir by Kiera Cass


  The fourth book of one of my most favourite series... I didn't expect to have a fourth and a fifth one, I admit. It was so strange at first to think about this series not as a trilogy but as a short series of five novels. The first three were better, however. The last two tell the story of America’s daughter Eadlyn.
 I'm a little disappointed with the cover. Yes, it's nice, but not like the previous ones. It's not my piece of cake, and I don’t like it. Grey is too impersonal and monotonous colour, which I do not like. And the dress doesn't look as sumptuous and gorgeous as the others, but it's more like simple. This reminds me of the Italian TV series Elisa di Rivombrosa and how in the third season with Elisa’s daughter she wore some dresses that were completely different from those of her mother’s and that ruined everything.
  I think I've paid too much attention to the cover. Let's switch to the content. Princess Eadlyn really is a little arrogant and slightly pretentious. Her history differs light years from that of her mother’s and maybe it’s a little frustrating. I expect something else actually… Her Selection is well... quite different, first of all, because it’s the first one made for a princess and not a prince and she has to choose among boys, not girls. All these contrasts turned out to have an influence, and in the beginning, it was difficult to accept the situation, I admit. And for Eadlyn… There's nothing to talk about at all. She had never wanted anything like this and was convinced that eventually, she would complete this circus as she set describes it, without getting married, but I think she's mistaken. I bet she's going to fall in love if she's not already in Kyle. They're just like made for each other. And no, it's not a spoiler, it's a pure assumption that I'm not going to be mistaken for.
  Twenty years later, although the caste system has been removed it still has its invisible shackles over the people and it is a huge obstacle. Before as if with those rebels, it was better because it was clear who were the enemies of the crown, but now… They're not. It's better to be clear than to wonder and worry who they might be.
  Overall, I liked the book and the end... I just don't have words for it. It just made me look forward to reading the last fifth book and I sincerely hope the author doesn't make us sad with some nasty development, but really!
  Maybe I’ll repeat myself, but I definitely recommend the series The Selection and I don't know if and how much negative criticism there is, but I like it and it's worth reading.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

The Doomsday Prophecy by Scott Mariani


Well, I've read this book months ago but I haven't written the review til now. When I'm not in the mood... yeah, I'm really not doing it. Anyway, I'll write the reviews of all these books I've read since November.
I really love Ben Hope. He's this kind of character that's impossible not to fall for. And he always happens to be in danger or in a rush. That's the thing with main characters in thrillers - they're like real magnets for trouble literally.
In the third book of the series, Ben decides to finish his... let's say 'career' with kidnapping and ransom business of his. Instead of action, he chooses to complete his abandoned theological studies and maybe find some peace after some many years. Yeah, maybe some other lifetime of his. That 'reality' slips away the moment his professor and friend asks him to help find his missing daughter - a very promising young archaeologist Zoë Bradbury. However, Ben declines the offer because he's not in this anymore (yeah, he can lie to himself as much as he wants...). That's why he proposes the case to his former SAS mate Charlie Palmer. I was betting with myself when exactly Ben will step and take the case, it was a matter of time. Just according to plan, when Charlie runs into trouble on the Greek island of Corfu, Ben has no choice but join him to find out what might have happened to Zoë. And that's exactly when the action and race begin. Hey, don't' you think it would be so simple?
Ben realizes that Zoë’s most recent archaeological discovery of an artefact related to the book of Revelation is at the heart of her disappearance. Religion is always hitting a raw nerve. I remember The Da Vinci Code and if you got the right or more like the wrong topic you'll get the most unwanted attention. And you have to be damn good to prevent the upcoming disaster. And Ben is.
I was rather annoyed at Zoë because she's acting so childish by doing such stupid things. Having love affairs, spending a lot of money, caring not about anything but her... instead of fulfilling her even now a glamorous career. Besides, her actions were the reason for so much death... she has to be really, really guilty. The book is called The Doomsday Prophecy and Zoë was going to cause something beyond the imagination of her rather small selfish brain.
The investigation leads Ben to Savannah, Georgia then to the holy city of Jerusalem, and he soon discovers that it’s not just Zoë’s life on the line but those of millions if he doesn't act fast. It's really a pity such important places as Jerusalem can't be visited peacefully because of those stupid terrorists who are only narrow-minded idiots causing too much trouble. That's why I think I liked the part with the removal of certain religion, I see no good in it and it'll be better without it.
But political intrigue... man, that's the banalest historical fact. Every single ruler and war in history is for power. No exception. Yet those hell-bent for political gain will soon face the ultimate reckoning in Ben Hope and I don't think this variable was ever in the equation. Geez, and it's the most unpredictable one who can make everyone's life a living hell. That's what I love the most with Ben - he's a real badass and is perfect in his job.
The book is very exciting and there's a lot of tension as well. I like Scott Mariani's books and I'm already looking towards the next one.

Friday, 20 April 2018

The Storybook of Legends by Shannon Hale


  I really, really hate being told what to read. Like "You're too old for this" or "You're not old enough", okay, it's my decision and I read what I want to. That was the case with Ever After High when I got the book. I simply wanted to read it and there was a nice bookish DISCOUNT so if you buy any book(or books) above the specific price and you get The Iron Trial for free. This was a few years ago back in my country. So I thought, why not? I want to read it anyway and get a free book meanwhile? Ok, you got me Egmont! But of course, there was the awful little phrase "But isn't it too childish for you?" I was asked that by a friend. I wanted to snap at her that I don't care about the "age restriction" and I'd read whatever I want. Has this happened to you? If yes, tell me in the comments, please, I don't wanna think I'm the only one.

  As I said, I hate the judging by the cover, which is very pretty by the way. And yes, it's obvious it's something fairytale-ish but what of? The whole design of the book and the cover is awesome, I love the frame in the angles, that's so cute. Also, the keyhole is a pretty good idea with a picture from the animated series of Raven Queen and Apple White. I have the books in Bulgarian but I think the design is the same as in the English ones. The pages inside are simply awesome. There's a border frame on every single one and it's very pretty. 
  In my opinion, the book is very interesting. It isn't necessary to be a grown-up novel to be interesting, right? When I have kids one day, I'd buy them these books, I think they're suitable for a child. Especially when you think Harry Potter was made for kids, wtf?! P.S. Don't hate me but I don't like Harry Potter, sorry. Not everyone is supposed to like it, isn't it? So, I remember watching an animation on TV about Ever After High but it was somewhat unfinished? So, therefore, I assumed I'll learn more in the book series.
That's a photo of my Bulgarian edition. Isn't it cute?
  So, what's Ever After about? This is about the children of the fairytale characters such as Cinderella, Snow White, Evil Queen and so on. That reminds me of the Disney Descendents but it's quite different. The villains aren't isolated on an island and both of their kids study in the same school, aka Ever After High. However, they don't have their lives, to be said so. Instead, they have to follow their parents' path and become good or evil and also live the same story, e.g. Apple White is destined to be the next Snow White and Raven Queen - the Evil Queen. So to speak, that is simply unfair. You have no choice and have to live someone else's life. That's why I wouldn't blame Raven for a second about her decision.
  If I had to choose between a Royal and a Rebel, I'd choose the second one. I completely understand Raven because everyone should have the right to choose and not be destined for something since birth. That sounds stupid and I really hope they'll prove that there's no such harm in not signing the Storybook of Legends so anyone can follow their dreams and not be what they aren't.
  This book is short but intriguing nevertheless. I don't see why I shouldn't read it if you want to. I read it a few years ago and still, I was a teen who has "outgrown" this kind of things but, come on, does people's opinion matter that much?

Monday, 16 April 2018

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

   One of my most favourite books like ever! It was just amazing! It's one of the best books I've ever read so I could say that it has a reason to be one of the greatest books in the classic literature. Not only, it's one of the masterpieces of XIX century. Along with Les Misérables, I think this one is a favourite of mine.
   This book left me both speechless and breathless. I liked it so much that I'd read it only for a few days. The novel is built up so well and has such a remarkable main protagonist. The Count of Monte Cristo personifies himself the true patience and perseverance by doing his revenge. It is really amazing how well-planned is everything and how he patiently does it point by point as a manual. I'd love to have a luxurious hardcover of this book, it's one of my favourites ever and I can talk about it for days!
   It's not a coincidence that's one of the best classics ever, an intransitive bestseller and one of the best adventure novels in the world at the same time one of the most exciting pieces of literature. According to me, this is one of the most outstanding examples of the Romanticism. The author, Alexandre Dumas, père is one of the most famous adventure writers and has written over 400 books. That's quite an impressive number and if they're as long as that one, it'd be really stunning considering how the means of the time e.g. handwriting, I'm not sure if the typewriter was available yet.
   I will deny not that I'm really glad about reading this masterpiece. I've hardly ever read anything more intriguing and delightful. In the core of the book are the everlasting human values: justice, compassion, the ability to forgive which are fighting against the desire for avenge. The story is based on unusual plot, the poor guy, Edmond Dantès who is unfairly accused of something he hadn't done. He's a sailor convicted unjustly and forced to spend fourteen years in one of the worst prisons at that time. However, like Newton's 3rd Law"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.", his revenge is more thorough and devastating than the meanness of his false friends. He becomes the most dangerous enemy of his unsuspecting ex-friends who he destroys one by one. After his escape, he easily enters the circles of the French noblemen to trigger his skilful plan. However, not before waiting ten more years to take his plan into action.
   The most important characters in the story are Edmond's father, his beloved Mercédès, Fernand, Danglars, Villefort, Caderousse, and the person who he sees as his second father - Abbé Faria, the man with whom he spends all those years in prison. Accordingly, the main conflicts in the novel are about the revenge and retribution. They're embodied in the mysterious personality of the Count of Monte Cristo. He is rich and mysterious and he forsees his actions step by step ruthlessly destroying his enemies. I was impressed by the ease with which he manages to reach his goals faultlessly one by one. Undoubtedly, everything is due to his patience. Without it, he wouldn't have waited so much after being freed to take on his revenge but he knows he has to wait in order to reach full nemesis. I was stupefied how everything arranged as if to help Monte Cristo and he was always the leader. These are the qualities I really envied him and really impressed me.
   There are so many things I want to talk about but I couldn't do it for every single one of them. I wish I could pay attention to every detail in its own way but I would've retold the whole book, wouldn't I? If anyone doubts to read the Count of Monte Cristo, he or she really should do it. There's no place for wonder because it is really worth it! I can promise that'll give you an incomparable experience I can't explain. I feel it and I know I'll never forget this magnificent book... ever.  This book had a very strong influence on me and it will always have a special place in my heart. If I recommend a classics to someone, I would always begin with The Count of Monte Cristo! This book is one of a kind, such masterpieces are very rare in history and this makes them true bookish gems. It's one of the most unique books I've ever read and I don't just like it, I love it!
   So, one thing Count of Monte Cristo taught us is never lose faith and keep on waiting. You should never give up on your dreams until you make them real. So... "Wait and hope!" ("Attendre et espérer!")

   That's a very emblematic and famous quote of the book:
“There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live. [...]”

- Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Bookish Delights

Hi guys, I'm really excited to introduce you my new blog design which I really like(purple is one of my favourite colours!). So, I decided to make a post about my bookish delights. There's no specific order but a list of the things, I don't know exactly how much right now.

The title is engraved and the cover is matte and
I'm totally in love.
1. "Engraved" title

That's how I call it when the title on a book cover is kind of engraved on the page. I love protruding letters, the feeling when you touch them ah, there's nothing like it. On a hardcover, the sensation is even better!

2. Matte covers

I absolutely love matte covers! I prefer them over gloss ones. They're so stylish and awesome! I don't know about you but for me, it's a real delight. It's soo nice to touch them because they're so amazingly adorable! I'm really glad that most of my paperbacks are matte instead of gloss. The gloss is... simply gloss, I don't like it very much on books and usually, the titles aren't protruded.

3. Bookmarks out of anything

I like creating my own bookmarks which I usually don't ever use because they're too beautiful to be used. Yeah, #bookwormproblems. I like printing bookmarks so I can have whatever I want to be printed on them as well as DIY some e.g. from boxes of chocolates. But honestly, some boxes are very, very beautiful so I can't resist making a new one which I probably won't use. :D Moreover, you'll have your unique KitKat bookmark, for instance. Oh, and I love bookmarks who go with the book itself, these I really keep brand new.

4. Bookish DISCOUNTS

Ah, is there anyone who doesn't love discounts on anything not only books? Well, that's the easiest way to get out of money and maybe get some not so necessary things. But seeing a HUGE discount on books? Meh, that's another story. A few books on the price of two or three? You have my attention already. Also, I'm sure every book lover keeps an eye very carefully on some websites and bookstores not to miss anything about books and discounts.

5. Wandering in a bookstore

Come on, everyone has done it at least once. My mum uses to tell if I enter a bookstore I can't remember to get out. I simply love window shopping in a bookshop - observe anything and everything, see new releases in person... It's so fascinating!

I really love the hardbacks of this series, so cute!
6. Hardback without the dust jacket

I don't like dust jackets. With them, the cover beneath is simply black or grey or something like that with a simple title. That's boring and the dust jacket usually bothers me when reading. So I put it off and guess what, it looks like any other book, especially classics when I want to be obvious what I'm reading. Besides, the cover made on the actual hardcover it's so beautiful! Unfortunately, most of the hardbacks aren't made like that and it's a pity. 😒 I have a few hardbacks without the jacket and oh, they're simply amazing. One is a children book but I have hardly ever seen anything more beautiful than this!

7. Bookish photos

I love going through bookish instagrams. There are so many and beautiful photos out there! Personally, I have partly a bookstagram which I intend to develop a bit more since I used to post a lot of non-related book posts. You can follow me - @shattered_shelves.

8. The library from the Beauty and the Beast

Okay, I don't know how much this is a bookish delight but... I want the library from the Beauty and the Beast. I'm exactly that girl who wants the library while the others dreamed of the prince. For me, this is the ultimate most magnificent library ever! If I have something like that, I'll be the happiest person EVER!

9. Falling hopelessly in love with a fictional character

Tell me about it. Lately, I've been reading Ben Hope series by Scott Mariani and I fell totally in love with the main character Ben Hope. I was fangirling almost all of the time but how can't I? He's sexy, he's badass, he's just... one hell kind of a man. I feel him like my bookish soulmate, really. I haven't read about anyone more perfect than him. I simply love Ben!

10. When reading real life doesn't matter

I like switching off the 'real life button'. I can simply fall in the book, sitting somewhere nice and cosy. That seems the perfect holiday plan for me. I can be all by myself with tons of books as if I've vanished from the world. Reading is a chance to travel and explore, learn and have fun. It's all here in one place - a book.

11. Reading a hilarious negative review in Goodreads

I like reading funny negative reviews. When people are mad they say the first thing they have in mind and it sounds hilarious. I know from great personal experience. I'm sarcastic and when I'm angry about a book, I come up with amazing expressions which make even me laugh.

A total of eleven. What are your bookish delights?

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

The One by Kiera Cass


  This is probably the prettiest of the three dresses on the covers till now. This white thing is totally gorgeous! Really maybe most glad I own this exact book in my library of the whole series, but anyway I got each of the books and I don't mind it at all even if I wonder where to put them as I don't have a great place for books.
  All this time I was trembling in anticipation to know what's going to happen, and adding that I was in school, and I didn't have enough time to read, I almost got anxious to finish it. I read it the very first moment I had the chance to. 
  Here was already something of a connection, but also a culmination of the history of America singer. I have no words to describe my impression and the thrill of the last to know what will happen, especially after those rebel attacks that led me to negative thoughts on the very end.
  The One is a really fascinating and captivating book! Maybe for a finale is really great, at least a final to America’s story. I couldn't have imagined it this way, but... This also doesn't fall much below my expectations.
  To be honest, I liked more Maxon from the very beginning, not only because he was a prince, although that was not a reason to throw away, but somehow, America and Maxon were so much alike. Ever since their first meeting, where things have evolved not very friendly, as America was not very polite, but when I think of what else she has done, it was the least of it.
  A truly unique story and a proper ending! As it’s written on the cover of the book, “Only one can win!” I recommend it along with the previous two, of course, I can't miss them. It is worth reading all the books since they are not that long and you will even be amazed at how quickly the time has passed by reading these amazing works!

“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.” 
“This isn’t happily ever after. It’s so much more than that.”

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

The Elite by Kiera Cass


  The cover of this book is more challenging and bolder, which reveals by itself that its content is quite different from the previous one. Maybe red comes perhaps a little too much for me because I'm not a big fan of this colour. But red is usually the aggressive, challenging, vicious colour and it's very appropriate.
  The second book was no less good than The Selection. There are only six left in the competition, which is written even at the top of the front cover. It is precisely under this that they are subordinate and are a sort of "sludge" of all thirty-five girls. It's obvious that the battle for the prince and the throne becomes much more fierce. America does not know who really likes and what she wants. Perhaps this is the biggest conflict in the whole book, it all comes down to her choice, not to all these dangers to society. To the very end, she is uncertain and confused, even for a while to drop out. When this happened I was shocked: what would happen if America dropped before the end of the selection? It wasn't going to be something interesting and maybe the series itself would have lost its meaning.
  Because of my very big curiosity sometimes I glance at the last pages only to take an eye on whether there will be a hit, I just prefer to be prepared in advance so that the shock wouldn't be too big. I did it this time, of course, but I did not understand what was going on, yet I had not read a page from the whole book, how do I expect to know what might have happened to provoke it? That's why it's not good to cheat and look at the end - too much of a spoiler and no understanding at all.
  I read it on the road we I went to Burgas(a city on the seaside of Bulgaria) and I took the two/three hours of going back and forth to read the book. I had reached half the previous day and I finished it. I really liked it, and I know the third one was coming out until September*, and I just did not have the least patience to come out to read it because at the end of The Elite it was really interesting!

  *The review is old, I've read the series when they've been published.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo

  The Hunchback of Notre-Dame or its original title Notre-Dame de Paris. Actually, I speak French so that's why I prefer the original title. The first reminds me of the animated film which is too far from the reality. It's made for children so it's rather false because... well, death's not a good thing for little kids to watch. However, a Victor Hugo novel isn't appropriate for young at all. His style of writing is very... complicated and hard to perceive. Maybe his books are difficult even for adults, what about young people. Well, I've read this book as a teen at the age of 15 maybe? Because I wanted to and I've always been strong mentally and I love to challenge myself. And Hugo's books are really a challenge.
  I can say no bad thing about one of the best authors of all time. I think his works are much better than those in the 10th Grade Literature classes that corresponds to the age in which he lived. That's the 10th grade in Bulgaria and we have to learn some very stupid things, well even the fact saying they're obligatory makes me sick and I'd hardly ever read anything at school. Because 1) boring and 2) I hate making me do something that's equal to the opposite, aka not doing it at all. That's the thing with me. In fact, this book has been featured in the program, but apparently, it has been dropped, which is a shame. Victor Hugo is truly a classic and absolutely professional. It is no coincidence that he is one of my favourite authors.
  From the beginning, I knew that this story was familiar to me. And I remembered that as a kid I've watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame, an adapted version for children. In the course of the novel, it became clear how much adapted, because a lot of things do not match, but Andersen's Little Mermaid in the original is far from being Disney's (and most of the fairy tales if one thinks). There was, however, a reason to cut out or change some things, but basically, the main characters are the same - the gipsy Esmeralda, Quasimodo, Abbath Faria and other characters from the novel. All the while, however, I associated the images of Quasimodo and Esmeralda with those of the film, because that was how it came to me from inside and I just did not know how to imagine them any other way.
  I think the book deserves its attention and its style of writing is at a totally different level. Somewhat difficult for me to read those parts in Latin because I have no idea of it, even I could not read the Old French, it is completely different from modern French which we know today. The whole story and everything in the book is at a completely different level, clearly showing that it is not a reading for a child. It is written quite well and everything is described in the smallest detail, for which I can only admire this incredible author.
  In a typical Hugo style, he seems to condemn his characters to a tough fate. But there seems to be something beautiful about it, and even the sad end seems wonderful in his novels. His characters are doomed to their destiny even before life has swallowed them. It affects the poor circles and the action develops around such people, especially in Paris at the time. His books are undoubtedly related to the historical period in which they were created in the 19th century, which couldn't be otherwise, but so characteristic of Romanticism. Particularly Notre-Dame de Paris, which tells not one story and a terrible fate. That's what impresses me in classical books, and it has attracted me the most to read them. And Victor Hugo became one of my favorite authors because of our similar styles and ... the tendency to the sad end (I definitely have one). It may not be half as much as Les Miserables, but the Notre-Dame de Paris is no less good. I read it first and I can say that I am extremely glad to have both of them paperback.