Tuesday 26 September 2017

What Happens in London by Julia Quinn


  As far as I saw, the Bulgarian cover is different from this one, but I think it's several times more beautiful. The combination of Westminster Palace with this very well-done effect of the photo and the roses is really amazing. The key word for me is London, if there's something with London in it, give it to me! (I'm quite obsessed with it.)
  The second book of Bevelstoke series is about Olivia. She's unpredictable, wild, and rarely anything attracts her attention for long. It's the ideal for a woman at that time - blond hair and blue eyes, unlike Miranda, which has brown hair and the same eyes that are nothing special, and she isn't so attractive. A mysterious new neighbour is placed in the next house in London. He spends all day in his office and writes something, but after hearing a rumour about him, Olivia decides to spy on him. From her window, she has an ideal view of his office.
  Sir Harry Valentine works in the boring department of Military Intelligence, translating documents from Russian and French. Having passed through all the training for a spy instantly detects the eyes of a beautiful blonde girl. For him, she's nothing more than an irritating and curious debutant, but when he realizes that the Russian prince is interested in her, but is a potential plotter against England, he intervenes and gradually realises that he himself may fall in love with her. She also doesn't remain indifferent to him and their love adventure begins...
  This is literally ab extract from the summary, so it can't be called a spoiler, I hope. This book is really much more fun than the first one and there are quite comical moments. Harry is not that appealing to the description given in the book, but nothing prevents you from imagining it as you wish, yet no one can control what's going on in your head, isn't it? Personally, I imagined it with curly brown hair and some emerald green eyes, maybe everybody already knew who I was imagining oops.
  You have to see the Bulgarian cover, it's so sweet, isn't it? I love cute love stories, preferably historical as these ones. And just now I decided to post both cover editions in case the other's so beautiful as this one.
  A really light and fun reading that you can't refuse to read. It's really intriguing and I highly recommend What Happens in London. These 400 pages pass in an instant, really.

- Melly

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